Admission will be confined to classes only where there is vacant seat. Parents who want to get their children admitted in the school, should get their names registered in the school’s office. Registration only makes the child eligible for interview and admission test. It does not guarantee admission.
- Ordinarily students are admitted at the beginning of the Academic session. Admissions are made only against vacancies and on the basis of percentage age criteria set by the school.
- Students seeking admission to the Nursery are registered in the month of December and January.
- Student who seek admission after having studied in another school will have to produce the following :
- The Leaving/Transfer Certificate from the school last attended.
- The report of progress and Co-curricular activities in that school.
- The original birth Certificate for Nur. Class.
- Students seeking admission in class IX must produce the third language pass certificate of class VIII. No change in the date of birth of the student will be permitted once the student is admitted.